Mar 23, 2011

How to do more miles with full

How to do more miles with full

In this period of economic crisis, it should be careful about everything and avoid unnecessary cash outlay, focusing on the essentials and making sure even the smallest detail!
We must indeed come up with every little trick to try to save as much as possible and in this direction, here's how many kilometers as possible, with a car full!
The car is now used daily in fact, want to go to work, want to go shopping and bring home the many heavy bags, you want to run errands ... so far its use is indeed indispensable but at least you can learning little tricks to make a few more kilometers to the full.
Any type of fuel it uses, in fact, just change your driving style to increase the mileage of its full: seeing is believing.
Here is some simple advice to follow:

    * Right car: first it is best to use a car that meets your needs and your needs, such as a car with an engine big but absolutely useless to run errands in town, would consume unnecessary fuel and money for the full;
    * Clean car: You should maintain at least daily or weekly car clean, removing trinkets, trash and dead weight of the car so as not to load and carry unnecessary weight;
    * Tire pressure: it is shown that a slight increase of the atmosphere in the tire, it can also increase mileage by 1 to 2%.;
    * Viscosity oil: using synthetic oils, whose viscosity is changed from 10W to 5W-40-30, the resistance actually decreased, improve distance and mileage;
    * Speed: It is known that the speed consumes fuel, so it would be appropriate to maintain a constant average speed, using less fuel, avoiding constant exchange rate and also producing less exhaust;
    * Turn off the car: if you get stuck in traffic or in front of a level crossing or in any other circumstances, for long periods, you should turn off the engine;
    * Maintenance: It is good practice to make a regular ongoing maintenance to the car, choosing the best pieces to replace, especially with regard to candles, oil, air valve, air filter, oxygen sensor and tube preheater that can drastically reduce fuel efficiency.

All that remains now ... try it!

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