Mar 22, 2011

How To Evaluate A Person In Few Seconds

How To Evaluate A Person In Few Seconds 

Often it happens that you must evaluate a person in no time. Nowadays it may happen to know dozens of new people every day and we need to understand who we are dealing with. After all, our instinct helps us, but we know the mechanisms can accelerate the process. Let's see how!

1. Mind you. The following is valid if a person presents to you but even if you are to introduce you to a perfect stranger.
First, pay attention to the eye. Who looks into the eyes is not so sure of himself but tended. Immediately after the order is the handshake, the appearance given by clothing and her way of moving.
2. A handshake should be simple enough strong to be effective.
On clothing must be appropriate to age and place, but not to make either too young or too old subject. If any colors you head or "crowds out" then that person needs further analysis.
The move indicates how many things: security, sloth, self-awareness.
3.Il face and voice are the secondary factors.
Now you must, be examined to see from her face, if the person is sociable or not, if the voice is full of inexperienced and unsure whether or how much care and smelling his person and he wants to be with people.
They are usually spent a few minutes, maybe less than two already, if undertaken as these items are individually capable, based on our experience to assess any person.

* A closer look
* A few minutes

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