Mar 23, 2011

How to tackle a Betrayal

How to tackle a Betrayal 

Until about fifty years ago, the betrayal, if done by a woman, was considered a real crime. The husband was entitled to the crime of blood and so could only regain his honor. Now things have changed, but the betrayal is still a terrible feeling but you can learn to control.
Instructions DIFFICULTIES 1

1.How First, you must be sure that the betrayal in love is a fait accompli. You must not let the common jealousy take control without any grounds, for your well-being first. He also feels that always show clearly the partner had no confidence in it - especially without the doubts are well founded - does nothing but undermine the continuation of the relationship.
2.Se have found evidence of the facts, please refrain from venting your anger and your pain before the traitor (or traitorous). All you should do is think about what has happened. What may have led to the betrayal? As he continued to pretend your partner? Pondering the circumstances it is not a form of masochism, but rather a clash with harsh reality can help to purify the dross of a story that should be considered closed.
3. It may happen that the partner who betrayed him, once discovered, to repent and try a gesture of reconciliation.
In the event that the two are not linked by family ties (marriage and children), the question is simpler and allows for the trade, if well aware of it, a position of command. The traitor must clearly demonstrate, much more than in the past, his love. The betrayed just have to ask the question of what it would be worse, that is to say goodbye to the former or the to resume a relationship with someone that has broken the bond of trust.
4.In the event that the family ties are present we can not rely solely on their own feelings. In the presence of children is well to account their needs, not necessarily letting themselves be oblige to forget. If this proves the traitor really sorry, it should proceed with a separation that still allows children to attend both parents.
5.Ma the fundamental problem in the case of treason is not rational. It forms a sense of emptiness, a deep disappointment. We find ourselves brooding memories of time spent with your partner and never seem to hurt as before. An initial period of pain, especially if it suddenly turns out, is normal and physiological. Spend some 'alone time with yourself is essential.
6.Dopo loneliness, you should seek fresh air. Out with our friends, a new course, the change of job, a hobby, a sport, or any occasion, prospectuses, should be educated on the fly. Even if initially you do not feel the mood is good stretched to a new life. Especially if the relationship lasted a long time you should search for a new everyday.

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