How to tackle the First Date
You have waited so long, have you used any more subtle ploy to attract his attention, and now the time has come: the man you like has invited you out and you want everything to be perfect and memorable. But do not become a disaster for everyone to store, there are some things you need to do, and others to avoid.
Instructions DIFFICULTIES 1
1. Maintain a calm and relaxed attitude. If the appointment is during the day, such as a park or bar, find the facts to read a book or do anything to kill time, if you're always the first to arrive. Will you give the impression of being a person who does not know who does not panic and enjoy every moment. In addition, you will understand that you are not drooling for him. If the appointment is in the evening you could not find anxiously at the door of the house. Let him go and ask a couple of minutes to finish preparations.
2.Parla you and your interests and im naturally spontanteo. Do not hide behind a formal conversation focused on the study or work, or a barrage of questions to your guide. You may seem like an agent of the Treasury instead of a nice girl to want to review and which have a relationship.
3.Dagli the opportunity to express his ideas and show his personality. If he was to choose the place to go, let him compliments for his good taste, but without exaggeration. It also avoids the compliments if they are not true. Regardless of the outcome of the appointment send him a message thanking him for the time together the next day.
4. Do not try to leave the phone on and respond to people who call you every five minutes, your knight may think that you do not have time for him. If you have to answer you phone so that they are very short and immediately apologized to him. Avoid asking when you will review and immediately bombarded with phone calls or text message the next day.
5. Talking all the time of your ex and your bad luck in love. It seems in the search for a comforter instead of someone with whom to start a new story.
And drinking too much or ask him to go to expensive places trope: in both cases you may embarrass him.
Avoid greet him with a kiss on the mouth or go straight over. Give it some time: if they are roses bloom.
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